On Wednesday, 20th June 2012, the ceremony to celebrate the World Refugee Day (WRD) has been organized at the Bangkok Refugee Center. The event started with the Opening Speech made by UNHCR Representative and Representative from American Embassy followed by speeches by representatives of Adult and Student Refugees. Then came the cultural performance presented by refugees of various nations such as Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Pakistan and Africa. In the afternoon, refugees and participants visited the Arts and Photography Exhibitions. The World Refugee Day ceremony is a short but comprehensive ceremony participated by a number of urban refugees and asylum seekers.
In December 2000 the United Nations General Assembly unanimously designated June 20th as annual World Refugee Day. The World Refugee Day event honors the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence, to live their lives on humanitarian support while awaiting either resettlement in the third countries, or repatriation to their counties of origin, when peace allows.

Speech made by a Representative of the Adult Refugees

Speech made by a representative of the Refugee Students

Cultural Performance by the Refugee Youth to Celebrate the World Refugee Day

Though lives of refugees are on dilemma, future is still bleak,
culture and tradition are used to heal their fragile spirits and souls |